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UC Entry – Unify Phone CAPEX licence options

OpenScape Business UC Entry – License Bundle Offering for Unify Phone including IP User

In addition to the already released PAYGO subscription licensing for Unify Phone on OpenScape Business, there will be a new marketing license bundle available called OpenScape Business

UC Entry based on permanent licensing (CAPEX+SSP) from 3 June 2024. UC Entry is a pure license bundle offering (not a new product), which includes a Unify Phone User license and an OpenScape Business IP User license combined together and corresponding SSP.

With the release of this new bundle offering, Mitel are meeting the requirements of our sales channels to offer only one order position for Unify Phone incl. the required IP User, based on a permanent CAPEX licensing concept With this new bundle offer we provide the option for partners of upfront payment for Unify Phone to simplify selling and charging for Unify Phone to their customers.

Unify Phone remains a cloud service with the cost supported within the initial capex purchase price and the ongoing SSP for the UC Entry bundle offering.

Note the OpenScape Business system must remain under SSP for Unify Phone to continue to function. The following user-based licensing positions are available for the respective OpenScape Business Base license with 1, 3 and 5 years SSP:

Product Code Description GPL € RRP £
OSBiz UC Entry User for 1 year SW Support base
OSBiz UC Entry User for 3 year SW Support base
OSBiz UC Entry User for 5 year SW Support base

Note: Exchange rate = 1.19

The new UC Entry license bundle offering can be ordered in all countries where Unify Phone is released.

The existing OpenScape Business software support renewal guidelines apply to the UC Entry Bundle which covers the SSP for the IP User and ongoing use of the Unify Phone Cloud Service.

The combination of operating the new Unify Phone User license as part of the UC Entry license bundle and the current Unify Phone High-Watermark Reporting license on an OpenScape Business single or networked system is not possible.

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